Leuchtende Nachtwolken - NLC - Mesosphäre - Noctilucent Clouds - Literatur

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Literatur zum Thema Leuchtende Nachtwolken

Archenhold, Günter (1938): Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 266, 227-228. (Download als pdf, 442 kb)

Avaste, O. A.; Willmann, Ch. I.; Fedynskii, A. V.; Grechko, G. M. & Sevastianov, V. I. (1980): Advances in Noctilucent Cloud Research in the Space Era. Pure and Applied Geophysics 118 (1-2), 528-580.


Bailey, Scott M.; Thurairajah, Brentha; Hervig, Mark E.; Siskind, David E.; Russell, JamesM. III & Gordley, Larry L. (2021): Trends in the polar summer mesosphere temperature and pressure altitude from satellite observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 220. (Download als pdf, 10 mb)

Becker, E. & Fritts, D. C. (2006): Enhanced gravity-wave activity and interhemispheric coupling during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS northern summer program 2002. Ann. Geophys., 24, 1175-1188. (Download als pdf, 1.7 mb)

Butler, C. J. (2006): Possible Observations of Noctilucent Clouds by Thomas Romney Robinson. Manuskript, 4 S., Armagh Observatory.


Chau, J.L.; Marino, R.; Feraco, F.; Urco, J.M.; Baumgarten, G.; Lübken, F.J.; Hocking, W.K.; Schult, C.; Renkwitz, T. & Latteck, R. (2021): Radar Observation of Extreme Vertical Drafts in the Polar Summer Mesosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 48 (16), 1-9. (Download als pdf, 1.6 mb)


Dalin, P.; Pertsev, N. & Romejko, V. (2012): Notes on historical aspects on the earliest known observations of noctilucent clouds. Hist. Geo Space Sci., 3, 87-97. (Download als pdf, 1.6 mb)

Dalin, P.; Pertsev, N.; Perminov, V.; Efremov, D. & Romejko, V. (2019): Looking at "Night-Shining" Clouds from the Stratosphere. Eos, 100, (https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EO118439. Published on 02 April 2019.

Dalin, P.; Pogoreltsev, A.; Pertsev, N.; Perminov, V.; Shevchuk, N.; Dubietis, A.; Zalcik, M.; Kulikov, S.; Zadorozhny, A.; Kudabayeva, D.; Solodovnik, A.; Salakhutdinov, G. & Grigoryeva, I. (2015): Evidence of the formation of noctilucent clouds due to propagation of an isolated gravity wave caused by a tropospheric occluded front. Geophysical Research Letters 42 (6), 2037-2046. (Download als pdf, 5.5 mb)

Dalin, P. et al. mult. (2022): Studies of noctilucent clouds from the stratosphere during the SONC balloon-borne experiment in 2021. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 240.

Dalin, P. et al. mult. (2023): The strong activity of noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes in 2020. Polar Science 35.

Debbe, Carsten; Ludwig, Marco; Mosch, Jörg & Schnabel, Andreas (2009): Leuchtende Nachtwolken über Deutschland. Interstellarum 66, 64-65.

Demissie, T.D.; Espy, P.J.; Kleinknecht, N.H.; Hatlen, M.; Kaifler, N. & Baumgarten, G. (2014): Characteristics and sources of gravity waves observed in noctilucent cloud over Norway. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 12133-12142. (Download als pdf, 4.6 mb)

Donahue, T.M.; Guenther, B. & Blamont, J.E. (1972): Noctilucent clouds in daytime - circumpolar particulate layers near the summer mesopause. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 29, 1205-1209. (Download als pdf, 371 kb)


Fiedler, Jens & Baumgarten, Gerd (2018): Solar and lunar tides in noctilucent clouds as determined by ground-based lidar. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 16051-16061. (Download als pdf, 1.5 mb)

Fiedler, Jens; Baumgarten, Gerd; Berger, Uwe; Gabriel, Axel; Latteck, Ralph & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2015): On the early onset of the NLC season 2013 as observed at ALOMAR. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 127, May 2015, 73-77.

Fiedler, Jens; Baumgarten, Gerd; Berger, Uwe & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2017): Long-term variations of noctilucent clouds at ALOMAR. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 162, 79-89.

Foerster, W. & Jesse, Otto (1892): Aufforderung zu Beobachtungen der leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 130, 425-430. (Download als pdf, 575 kb)

Fogle, B. (1967): Recent Advances in the Research on Noctilucent Clouds. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 61, 64-73. (Download als pdf, 667 kb)

Fogle, B. & Haurwitz, B. (1966): Noctilucent Clouds. Space Science Reviews 6 (3), 279-340. (Download als pdf, 5.59 mb)

Fritts, David C.; Isler, Joseph R.; Thomas, Gary E. & Andreassen, Øyvind (1993): Wave breaking signatures in noctilucent clouds. Geophysical Research Letters 20 (19), 2039-2042.


Gadsden, Michael (1982): Noctilucent Clouds. Space Science Reviews 33, 279-334. (Download als pdf, 5.51 mb)

Gadsden, Michael (1986): Noctilucent Clouds. Q. Jl R. astr. Soc. 27, 351-366. (Download als pdf, 421 kb)

Gadsden, Michael (1990): A secular change in noctilucent cloud occurrence. Journal of Amospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52 (4), 247-251.

Gadsden, Michael (1998): Can I see Noctilucent Clouds? J. Br. Astr. Soc. 108 (1), 35-38. (Download als pdf, 689 kb)

Gadsden, Michael & Parviainen, Pekka (2006): Observing Noctilucent Clouds. 2nd ed., 37 S., Edinburgh.

Gadsden, Michael & Schröder, Wilfried (1989): Noctilucent clouds. 165 S., Springer-Verlag, New York.

Gerding, Michael; Baumgarten, Gerd; Zecha, Marius; Lübken, Franz-Josef; Baumgarten, Kathrin & Lattek, Ralph (2021): On the unusually bright and frequent noctilucent clouds in summer 2019 above Northern Germany. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 217.

Gerding, M.; Höffner, J.; Hoffmann, P.; Kopp, M. & Lübken, F.-J. (2013): Noctilucent cloud variability and mean parameters from 15 years of lidar observations at a mid-latitude site (54˚N, 12˚E). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (2), 317-328. (Download als pdf, 970 kb)

Gerding, Michael; Kopp, Maren; Hoffmann, P.; Höffner, Josef & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2016): Diurnal variations of midlatitude NLC parameters observed by daylight-capable lidar and their relation to ambient parameters. Geophysical Research Letters 40 (24), 6390-6394. (Download als pdf, 683 kb)

Gerding, Michael; Kopp, Maren; Höffner, Josef; Baumgarten, Kathrin & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2016): Mesospheric temperature soundings with the new, daylight-capable IAP RMR lidar. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 9, 3707-3715. (Download als pdf, 468 kb)

Gerding, Michael; Zöllner, Jochen; Zecha, Marius; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Höffner, Josef; Stober, Gunter & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2018): Simultaneous observations of NLCs and MSEs at midlatitudes - implications for formation and advection of ice particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 15569-15580. (Download als pdf, 1.9 mb)


Hahn, Hermann-Michael (2010): Nachtleuchtende Wolken. Jahres-Chronik der Volkssternwarte Vereinigung der Sternfreunde Köln e.V. 2009, 48-49.

Hansen, G.; Serwazi, M. & von Zahn, U. (1989): First detection of a noctilucent cloud by lidar. Geophysical Research Letters 16 (12), 1445-1448.

Haurwitz, Bernhard (1972): Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Sterne & Weltraum 7/1972, 180-182.

Haußmann, Alexander (2007): Positionsbestimmung und sonnenstandsabhängige Sichtbarkeit Leuchtender Nachtwolken (NLC). Unveröff. Manuskript, 21 S., Dresden.

Haußmann, Alexander (2011): Erfahrungen mit der Positionsrekonstruktion von NLC. Meteoros 14 (5), 133-135. (Download als pdf, 3.6 mb)

Hervig, Mark E.; Berger, Uwe & Siskind, David E. (2016): Decadal variability in PMCs and implications for changing temperature and water vapor in the upper mesosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (5), 2383-2392.

Hervig, Mark E.; Gerding, Michael; Stevens, Michael H.; Stockwell, Robert; Bailey, Scott M.; Russell, James M. & Stober, Gunter. (2016): Mid-latitude mesospheric clouds and their environment from SOFIE observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 149, 1-14.

Hervig, Mark E. & Gordley, Larry L. (2010): Temperature, shape, and phase of mesospheric ice from Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment observations. Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (D16). (Download als pdf, 10.3 mb)

Hervig, Mark E.; Siskind, David E.; Bailey, Scott M.; Merkel, Aimee W.; DeLand, Matthew T. & Russell, James M. III (2019): The Missing Solar Cycle Response of the Polar Summer Mesosphere. Geophysical Reseach Letters 46 (16), 10132-10139.

Hervig, Mark E.; Thompson, Robert E.; McHugh, Martin; Gordley, Larry L.; Russell, James M. & Summers, Michael E. (2001): First confirmation that water ice is the primary component of polar mesospheric clouds. Geophysical Reseach Letters 28 (6), 971-974. (Download als pdf, 495 kb)

Heuseler, Holger (1968): Das Phänomen der Leuchtenden Nachtwolken sowie meteorologische Studien zur Realität der NLC vom 3. Juni 1967. Die Sterne 44, 158-170.

Hoeppe, Götz (2001): Die blaue Stunde des Ozons. Sterne & Weltraum 8/2001, 632-639.

Hoffmeister, Cuno (1952): Über die "Leuchtenden Nachtwolken". Die Sterne 28 (1/2), 7-15.

Holl, Manfred (2006): Leuchtende Nachtwolken im Sommer 2006. Interstellarum 48, 8.

Hultgren, Kristoffer; Körnich, Heiner; Gumbel, Jörg; Gerding, Michael; Hoffmann, Peter; Lossow, Stefan & Megner, Linda (2011): What caused the exceptional mid-latitudinal Noctilucent Cloud event in July 2009? Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (14-15), 2125-2131.


Jesse, Otto (1886): Aufforderung betreffend Beobachtungen der glänzenden Himmelserscheinungen, welche seit dem Sommer 1885 öfter in Mittel-Europa gesehen worden sind. Astronomische Nachrichten 115, 15-16. (Download als pdf, 206 kb)

Jesse, Otto (1889a): Die Leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 121, 73-76. (Download als pdf, 442 kb)

Jesse, Otto (1889b): Die Leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 121, 111-112. (Download als pdf, 147 kb)

Jesse, Otto (1893): Über die leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 133, 131-132. (Download als pdf, 310 kb)

Jesse, Otto (1896): Die Höhe der leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 140, 161-168. (Download als pdf, 719 kb)

Juchert, Matthias (2005): Sommernachtselfen - Leuchtende Nachtwolken im Bild. Interstellarum 40, 40-41.


Kaifler, N.; Baumgarten, G., Fiedler, J. & Lübken, F.-J. (2013): Quantification of waves in lidar observations of noctilucent clouds at scales from seconds to minutes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11757-11768. (Download als pdf, 4.9 mb)

Kaifler, N.; Kaifler, B.; Wilms, H.; Rapp, M.; Stober, G. & Jacobi, C. (2018): Mesospheric Temperature During the Extreme Midlatitude Noctilucent Cloud Event on 18/19 July 2016. JGR Atmospheres 123 (24), 13775-13789. (Download als pdf, 1.5 mb)

Karlsson, Bodil & Becker, Erich (2016): How Does Interhemispheric Coupling Contribute to Cool Down the Summer Polar Mesosphere? Journal of Climate 29, 8807-8821. (Download als pdf, 2.9 mb)

Kiliani, Johannes (2014): 3-D Modeling of Noctilucent Cloud Evolution and Relationship to the Ambient Atmosphere. Dissertation, 144 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 4.9 mb)

Kiliani, Johannes; Baumgarten, G.; Lübken, F.-J. & Berger, U. (2015): Impact of particle shape on the morphology of noctilucent clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 12897-12907. (Download als pdf, 2.3 mb)

Kirkwood, S.; Barabash, V.; Brändström, B.U.E.; Moström, A.; Stebel. K.; Mitchell, N. & Hocking, W. (1995): Noctilucent clouds, PMSE and 5-day planetary waves - a case study. Geophysical Research Letters 29 (10), 50-1 - 50-4. (Download als pdf, 112 kb)

Kirkwood, S., Dalin, P. & Réchou, A. (2008): Noctilucent clouds observed from the UK and Danmark - trends and variations over 43 years. Ann Geophys. 26, 1243-1254. (Download als pdf, 373 kb)

Kirkwood, S. & Stebel, K. (2003): The influence of planetary waves on noctilucent cloud occurrence over NW Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research 108, 8440, doi:10.1029/2002JD002356, D8. (Download als pdf, 871 kb)

Körnich, Heiner & Becker, Erich (2010): A simple model for the interhemispheric coupling of the middle atmosphere circulation. Advances in Space Research 45 (5), 661-668.

Kosalla, Frank (1995): Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Sterne & Weltraum 6/1995, 477-481.

Krause, Stefan (2012a): Leuchtende Nachtwolken über Mitteleuropa (Teil 1). Sternzeit 2/2012, 91-95.

Krause, Stefan (2012b): Leuchtende Nachtwolken über Mitteleuropa (Teil 2). Sternzeit 3/2012, 145-148.

Kranich, Laura (2017): Leuchtende Wolken über der Förde. Abenteuer Astronomie 10, 68-71.


Lange, Anna; Baumgarten, Gerd, Rozanov, Alexei & von Savigny, Christian (2022): On the colour of noctilucent clouds. Annales Geophysicae 40 (3), 407-419. (Download als pdf, 6.0 mb)

Lattek, R. & Bremer, J. (2013): Occurrence frequencies of polar mesosphere summer echoes observed at 69˚ N during a full solar cycle. Adv. Radio Sci., 11, 327-332. (Download als pdf, 341 kb)

Lattek, R. & Bremer, J. (2017): Long-term variations of polar mesospheric summer echoes observed at Andøya (69˚N). Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 163, 31-37.

Lattek, Ralph & Murphy, Damian J. (2024): Climatological comparison of polar mesosphere summer echoes over the Arctic and Antarctica at 69˚. Annales Geophysicae 52 (1), 55-68. (Download als pdf, 3.2 mb)

Lattek, Ralph; Renkwitz, Toralf & Chau, Jorge L. (2021): Two decades of long-term observations of polar mesospheric echoes at 69˚N. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 216.

Lattek, R. & Strelnikova, I. (2015): Extended observations of polar mesosphere winter echoes over Andøya (69˚N) using MAARSY. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120, 8216-8226.

Leinert, Christoph (1988): Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Sterne & Weltraum 2/1988, 86-91.

Leslie, Robert C. (1885): Sky glows. Nature 32, 245. (Download als pdf, 397 kb)

Ludlam, F. H. (1957): Noctilucent Clouds. Tellus 9 (3), 341-364. (Download als pdf, 2.2 mb)

López-Puertas, M. et al. mult. (2009): Measurements of polar mesospheric clouds in infrared emission by MIPAS/ENVISAT. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, D1. (Download als pdf, 2.2 mb)

Lübken, Franz-Josef (2003): Leuchtende Nachtwolken und polare Mesosphärenechos. Physik Journal 2 (6), 47-52.

Lübken, Franz-Josef (2005): Eisteilchen in 80 - 90 km Höhe - Indikatoren für die niedrigsten Temperaturen in der Erdatmosphäre. Promet 31 (1), 19-24. (Download als pdf, 4.02 mb)

Lübken, Franz-Josef; Baumgarten, Gerd & Berger, Uwe (2021): Long term trends of mesopheric ice layers - A model study. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 214. (Download als pdf, 935 kb)

Lübken, Franz-Josef; Baumgarten, Gerd; Grygalashvyly, Mykhaylo & Vellalassery, Ashique (2024): Absorption of Solar Radiation by Noctilucent Clouds in a Changing Climate. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (3). (Download als pdf, 275 kb)

Lübken, Franz-Josef; Berger, Uwe & Baumgarten, Gerd (2018): On the Anthropogenic Impact on Long-Term Evolution of Noctilucent Clouds. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 1-9. (Download als pdf, 900 kb)

Lübken, F.-J.; Höffner, J.; Viehl, T. P.; Becker, E.; Latteck, R., Kaifler, B.; Murphy, D. J. & Morris, R. J. (2015): Winter/summer transition in the Antarctic mesopause region. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120 (12),394-409. (Download als pdf, 2.26 mb)


Malsch, W. (1933): Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Astronomische Nachrichten 249 (17), 305-308. (Download als pdf, 404 kb)

Meier, Ludwig (1955): Bearbeitung einer Erscheinung von Leuchtenden Nachtwolken am 12. Juli 1953. Die Sterne 31 (11/12), 230-234.

Morris, Ray & Murphy, Damian (2008): The polar mesosphere. Physics Education 43 (4), 366-374.

Müllemann, Arno (2004): Temperaturen, Winde und Turbulenz in der polaren Sommermesosphäre. Dissertation, 158 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 5.1 mb)

Müller, Natalie (2009): Beobachtung von Fluktuationen im Minutenbereich in leuchtenden Nachtwolken mit dem ALOMAR RMR-Lidar (69˚ N). Diplomarbeit, 97 S., Heidelberg. (Download als pdf, 8.5 mb)


Neckel, Thorsten (1998): Leuchtende Nachtwolken in der Nacht vom 9. zum 10. Juni 1997. Sterne & Weltraum 7/1998, 666-669.


Pautet, P.-D.; Stegman, J.; Wrasse, C. M.; Nielsen, K.; Takahashi, H.; Taylor, M. J.; Hoppel, K. W. & Eckermann, S. D. (2011): Analysis of gravity waves structures visible in noctilucent cloud images. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (14-15), 2082-2090.

Pertsev, Nikolay; Dalin, Peter; Perminov, Vladimir; Romejko, Vitaly; Dubietis, Audrius; Balciunas, Ricardas; Cernis, Kazimieras & Zalcik, Mark (2014): Noctilucent clouds observed from the ground - sensitivity to mesospheric parameters and long-term time series. Earth, Planets and Space 66: 98, 9 pp. (Download als pdf, 611 kb)

Petersen, Jon (2019): Investigation of Noctilucent Clouds using High Resolution Lidar Measurements. Bachelor Thesis, 25 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 907 kb)

Pokhotelov, Dimitry; Stober, Gunter & Chau, Jorge Luis (2019): Statistical climatology of mid-latitude mesospheric summer echoes characterised by OSWIN (Ostsee-Wind) radar observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19, 5251-5258. (Download als pdf, 2.1 mb)


Rapp, M.; Latteck, R.; Stober, G.; Hoffmann, P.; Singer, W. & Zecha, M. (2011): First three-dimensional observations of polar mesosphere winter echoes - Resolving space-time ambiguity. Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (A11), A1307. (Download als pdf, 2.5 mb)

Rendtel, Jürgen & Schröder, Wilfried (1994): Beobachtungen Leuchtender Nachtwolken in den Jahren 1988 - 1993. Die Sterne 70, 132-139.

Rendtel, Jürgen & Schröder, Wilfried (1995): Beobachtungen Leuchtender Nachtwolken in den Jahren 1967 - 1987. Die Sterne 71, 101-109.

Rendtel, Jürgen & Schröder, Wilfried (1996): 100 Jahre Höhenbestimmungen der Leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Die Sterne 72, 255-263.

Ridder, Christine (2014): Relationship of gravity waves and small scale variations in noctilucent clouds observed by lidar at 69˚ N. Masterarbeit, 67 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 13.2 mb)

Robert, C. E.; von Savigny, C.; Nahpoe, N.; Bovensmann, H.; Burrows, J. P.; DeLand, M. T. & Schwartz, M. J. (2010): First evidence of a 27 day solar signature in noctilucent cloud occurrence frequency. Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (D1), 1991-2000. (Download als pdf, 5 mb)

Russell, James M.; Rong, Pingping; Hervig, Mark E.; Siskind, David E.; Stevens, Michael H.; Bailey, Scott M. & Gumbel, Jörg (2014): Analysis of northern midlatitude noctilucent cloud occurrences using satellite data and modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (6), 3238-3250. (Download als pdf, 2.4 mb)


Schäfer, Britta (2016): Bestimmung von Höhe und horizontaler Struktur leuchtender Nachtwolken (NLC) aus Kamerabildern durch Triangulation. Bachelor Arbeit, 50 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 6.3 mb)

Schäfer, Britta, Baumgarten, Gerd & Fiedler, Jens (2020): Small-scale structures in noctilucent clouds observed by lidar. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 208. (Download als pdf, 2.4 mb)

Schlegel, Kristian (1995): Mesosphäre und Leuchtende Nachtwolken. Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises Meteore 5/1995, 5-7.

Schmidt, Francie; Baumgarten, Gerd; Berger, Uwe; Fiedler, Jens & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2017): Local Time Dependence of Polar Mesospheric Clouds - A model study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Discussion paper, 22 S. (Download als pdf, 550 kb)

Schröder, Wilfried (1966a): Ergebnisse und Probleme der Erforschung der Leuchtenden Nachtwolken. Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik 75 (1), 45-55.

Schröder, Wilfried (1966b): Noctilucent Clouds over Germany. Journal of Geophysical Research 71 (13), 3284.

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Solodovnik, A.; Leontyev, P.; Dalin, P.; Takenov, B. & Alyoshin, D. (2021): Seasonal evolution and interseasonal changes in polar mesospheric clouds at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 226, article id. 105787.

Sommer, Svenja (2016): Resolving the horizontal structure of mesospheric echoes applying modern radar approaches. Dissertation, 98 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 9.5 mb)

Sommer, Svenja & Chau, Jorge L. (2016): Patches of polar mesospheric summer echoes characterized from radar imaging observations with MAARSY. Annales Geophysicae 34, 1231-1241. (Download als pdf, 4.3 mb)

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Stevens, Michael H.; Randall, Cora E.; Carstens, Justin N.; Siskind, David E.; McCormack, John P.; Kuhl, David D. & Dhadly, Manbharat S. (2022): Northern Mid-Latitude Mesospheric Cloud Frequencies Observed by AIM/CIPS - Interannual Variability Driven by Space Traffic. Earth and Space Science 9 (6), article id. e02217, 18 S. (Download als pdf, 20 mb)

Sugiyama, Takuya; Muraoka, Yoshikazu; Sogawa, Hisato & Fukao, Shoichiro (2016): Oscillations in polar mesospheric summer echoes and bifurcation of noctilucent cloud formation. Geophysical Research Letters 23 (6), 653-656.

Suzuki, Hidehiko; Matsumoto, Ayako; Dalin, Peter; Nakamura, Yuriko; Ishii, Satoshi; Sakanoi, Kazuyo; Sakaguchi, Kaori; Takada, Taku; Tsuda, Takuo T. & Hozumi, Yuta (2022): Capability of airline jets as an observation platform for noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 9 (11): 182, 10 pp. (Download als pdf, 2.6 mb)

Suzuki, Hidehiko; Sakanoi, Kazuyo; Nishitani, Nozomu; Ogawa, Tadahiko; Ejiri, Mitsumu K.; Kubota, Minoru; Kinoshita, Takenori; Murayama, Yasuhiro & Fujiyoshi, Yasushi (2016): First imaging and identification of a noctilucent cloud from multiple sites in Hokkaido (43.2-44.4˚N), Japan. Earth, Planets and Space 68 (1): 182, 9 pp. (Download als pdf, 3.3 mb)


Teiser, Georg (2013): Zum Einfluss von geladenen Aerosolen auf die inkohärante Rückstreuung von Radarwellen aus der oberen Mesosphäre. Diplomarbeit, 111 S., Rostock. (Download als pdf, 9.9 mb)

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Ugolnikov, Oleg S. (2023): Noctilucent Clouds Altitude and Particle Size Mapping Based on Spread Observations by Ground-based All-sky Cameras. arXiv:2312.08966v1. (Download als pdf, 781 kb)


Vellalassery, Ashique; Baumgarten, Gerd; Grygalashvyly, Mykhaylo & Lübken, Franz-Josef (2023): Greenhouse gas effects on the solar cycle response of water vapour and noctilucent clouds. Annales Geophysicae 41 (2), 289-300. (Download als pdf, 3.7 mb)

Vestine, E.H. (1934a): Noctilucent Clouds. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 28, 249-272. (Download als pdf, 1.9 mb)

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